
Thursday 13 August 2009

Some pigeons I would like to meet:

The Almond Tumbler
The Tumbler
The Carrier
The Horseman
The Dragoon
The English Powter
The Parisian Powter
The Uploper
The Powting Horseman
The Leghorn Runt
The Spanish Runt
The Friesland Runt
The Jacobine (or Jack)
The Ruff
The Capuchine
The Nun
The Owl
The Turbit
The Broad-tail'd Shaker
The Narrow-tail'd Shaker
The Spot
The Laughter
The Trumpeter
The Helmet
The Finnikin
The Turner
The Barb
The Mahomet
The Lace Pigeon
The Frill-back

1 comment:

  1. Thought you might also like to meet:
    Tyke (also known as George), Pigeon ­ Number 1263 MEPS 43
    White Vision, Pigeon ­ SURP.41.L.3089
    Winkie, Pigeon ­ NEHU.40.NS.1
    Beach Comber, Pigeon ­ NPS.41.NS.4230
    Gustav, Pigeon ­ NPS.42.31066
    Paddy, Pigeon ­ NPS.43.9451
    Kenley Lass, Pigeon ­ NURP.36.JH.190
    Navy Blue, Pigeon ­ NPS.41.NS.2862
    Flying Dutchman, Pigeon – NPS.42.NS.44802
    Dutch Coast, Pigeon ­ NURP.41. A.2164
    Commando, Pigeon ­ NURP.38.EGU.242
    Royal Blue, Pigeon ­ NURP.40.GVIS.453
    Ruhr Express,Pigeon ­ NPS.43.29018
    William of Orange, Pigeon ­ NPS.42.NS.15125
    Scotch Lass, Pigeon ­ NPS.42.21610
    Billy, Pigeon ­ NU.41.HQ.4373
    Broad Arrow, Pigeon ­ 41.BA.2793
    Pigeon ­ NPS.42.NS.2780
    Pigeon ­ NPS.42.NS.7524
    Maquis, Pigeon ­ NPSNS.42.36392
    Mary, Pigeon ­ NURP.40.WCE.249
    Tommy, Pigeon ­ NURP.41.DHZ56
    All Alone, Pigeon ­ NURP.39.SDS.39
    Princess, Pigeon ­ 42WD593
    Mercury, Pigeon ­ NURP.37.CEN.335
    Pigeon ­ NURP.38.BPC.6.
    GI Joe, Pigeon ­ USA43SC6390
    Duke of Normandy, Pigeon ­ NURP.41.SBC.219
    Pigeon ­ NURP.43.CC.14
    Pigeon ­ DD.43.T.139 (Australian Army Signal Corps)
    Pigeon ­ DD.43.Q.879 (Australian Army Signal Corps)
    Cologne, Pigeon ­ NURP39.NPS.144
    These pigeons all received the PDSA Dickin Medal awarded for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty while serving or associated with the Armed Forces.
